Among the new students in Kennewick School District this fall are the children of the Alsousi family, a Syrian family that arrived in Kennewick this summer.
The kids, Abet, Alma, and Kamar, knew their schooling would be in English. So this summer they took every opportunity to learn English that the Family Learning Center offered. They went with their parents to adult English classes, attended peer-tutoring classes, and worked with the staff at B5 to increase their vocabulary and practice conversational English.
The hard work paid off. Abet said his first day of school was awesome. “The building, the teachers, and everything is better in America,” he said. Alma is also excited about school. She wants to continue to improve her English so she can go to university in the future. She’d like to be a doctor.
Kamar, who is in fourth grade at Westgate, was a little nervous about the beginning of school. She was afraid her English wouldn’t be good enough, but she found that people were friendly and she could understand her teacher a little bit.
Their parents, Mohammad and Kadria, are also working hard to learn English in the Family Learning Center’s adult English program. They are glad that their children are starting school. They want their kids to be better at English, to have friends, and to become part of the community.
We feel privileged to play a part in welcoming new families like the Alsousis to our community and help prepare these young people for a successful start to school. We’re glad they’re here!
Please keep these students and their teachers in your prayers .
When you give to the Family Learning Center, you are providing help for the Alsousis and families like them. Will you join us in our work?